Sunday, January 8, 2012

20-21 Dec 2011 Greymouth - Punakaiki - Nelson

20 Dec 2011 Greymouth - Punakaiki

Since Nelson is flooded, we decided to go to Greymouth instead. Since K hasnt yet seen the Franz Josef glacier, we stopped by and let him take some photo. M went to Peters Pool and she seemed to like it. On clear day you can reflection of the glacier on the pool.

We continue to drive on and passed a town called Hari Hari. I am sure you know what Hari Hari means -)

It was near Hokatiki that J got met a traffic police and got a 170 bucks saman. He was trying to overtake and the rest you can guess.

We reached Greymouth at around 2pm. By now we had been so well trained that i started taking our cups and boil water while M enquire on laundry. There are even gossip magazines in the laundry room and she brought back to the motel to read.

The motel owner told us that Nelson is ok actually. We called the motel at Nelson and she told us that they are fine, the flood has long subsided. We decided to drive up to Nelson the next day.

We went to the Punakaiki for watching blowholes by driving along the scenic coastal drive. The high tides were at 707am and 739pm. No guarantees but these are the closest time to get close to getting blow holes. Since we reached early, J decided to explore the cavern with his torch.

The rest of us decided to donate ourselves to feed the sandflies, so we walked to take photos of the pancake rocks. We stayed till 730pm and decided that the tides are slowly receding, it looked like there will be no blowholes today and returned to Greymouth. Had dominoes pizza today (Tuesday special, only $4.90 per regular pizza).

The whole night is ultra quiet with M and her daughter buried themselves in the magazines. if only i knew it was that easy to keep them still i would have saved my breath on the story.

21 Dec 2011 Nelson

Set off to take the coastal drive instead of the inland road to Nelson. There were some scenic lok out points. The road to Nelson can be quite winding and narrow at times, some parts only one lane to be shared between two directions with overhanging cliffs on top of the road.

We reached Nelson at 2pm. Evidence of landslide is still visible at Nelson. J decided to drive to Abel Tasman National Park while K and I spent time at the local pool. After the swim, we bought groceries and walked back a few km to Tahuna, where our motel is cos we missed the last bus that departed at 530pm.

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